First Time Visitors
1. You will NOT have to stand up and "introduce" yourself!
2. Bring a Bible if you want to. There are also Bibles in the pew racks.
3. We have a nursery during worship for preschool age children in the Education Building. Or you can keep your children with you.
4. We're used to loud babies.
5. See below for pics on where to enter: there's an elevator and an outside ramp to an entrance door.
There are three easy ways to get into the sanctuary.
You can go in what we call the "front door." (North side, facing E. Main St.)
Or you can try the "Side Door," which has a ramp that starts from the Parking Lot (West side, facing Maney Ave)
Or, for those with accessibility issues, we have an elevator on the Northeast corner which stops at Ground level (the elevator entrance) Basement level (the fellowship hall) and "upstairs" (the Sanctuary.). We want to make it easy to get in!